Pitfalls Of An Online World
Spams, Scams And Things You Should Address ASAP.
If you are like most of us, you are asking why is there all these security issues going on the web. SSL Certificates, 2-Step Authorization, Site Lock, Email Security; What is driving all this new security?
The answer is there are bad people on the Web who hack Websites, emails and even Social Media accounts. The European Union (EU) has created very strict Online security guidelines to protect its citizens and businesses. Because it is the World Wide Web, this also affects the good ole USA. Here are few tips on how to protect your Online accounts.
Make sure your accounts are up-to-date with your domain registrar and hosting company with an email address that is current and is being monitored daily. Your domain registrar is now required to have you verify your domain annually. If you don't do it, your hosting company can take your Website down until the domain is verified.
If you don't have an SSL Certificate on your site, get one. Browsers are now warning that a site may not be secure if you don't have one. You can tell if you have one if your site name is preceded with https instead of http.
When you receive an email from a domain registrar, bank or credit card, check the email address it came from. If it looks fishy, call your website designer or the company the email came from. Don't call the phone number on the email and don't click on any link in the email.
If you have a Wordpress site, make sure your Website designer is keeping your Plugins up-to-date. Many can become back doors for hackers if they are not current.
If you have never experienced a hack, malware, ransomware, consider yourself lucky. While added security can be a pain, but it is much better than identity theft, losing your website or sending an infected email to your contact list.